We got to drink really tasty Grape Juice during the Seder...and our table won for drinking the most GRAPE JUICE.
My Place Setting
I thought that this fit me pretty well-- ISRAEL and TEXAS in one! =)
Us in our WET PANTS!

Stephanie, Shelby, Me, and Matt

Stephanie, Shelby, Me, and Matt
Playing in the "pools" after we went through the tunnels! everyone splashed each other and got soaked! I loved every bit of it!
Matt and I At the end of the Tunnel....yes we are standing in water! It was LEGIT!
The start of the journey!

Hezikiah's Tunnel!! Time to get wet and LOVE IT!
Before we went through the Tunnel, we watched a 3D Video to learn about the history. so we got to wear the sweet glasses! thats hot! haha.
Before we went through the Tunnel, we watched a 3D Video to learn about the history. so we got to wear the sweet glasses! thats hot! haha.
So on Wed, we went on a field trip to Hezikiah's Tunnel and the onyl way to sum it up was..it was LEGIT! I loved it so much! you hike through this tunnel that is pitch back dark unless you have flashlights. and the whole time you hike through water!! at some points the water came up the top of my thighs! I loved every minute in it! and then tonight we had our own Passover Seder Dinner. Our Jewish teacher, Ophir Yarden directed it. It was so fun! And it reminded me of when my mother had a Passover Seder Dinner for my whole family in March. Wow, my Mom is right on target and is so amazing. She knows so much and and i am amazed everday when we are learning something new, but its not new to me because I have the best mom ever and she has taught me ever since I was little. She truly is an Angel. So i am thankful for all she has taught me because it has magnified my time here by 1000! Tonight was awesome and so good! We had a 5 course meal! I was in charge of the Floral arrangments and put them together, which of course I loved! Anyways it was a blast! Love and Miss yall back home....